A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

language without

Language is powerful, but
nothing compared to meaning.
Even if it is our main vehicle
for meaning,

Language is the chassis.

Meaning is the engine, the steering
wheel, the transmission, the gas tank
and the fuel, the driver, the passenger, 

and all four tires.

And it is the difference between what we mean
to happen and what we happen to mean  that gets us
slamming the brakes, swerving at screech speeds,

and meeting in wrecks. 

Of course, you can’t separate language from meaning.
Language is puny. Without meaning it’s nothing. Can’t
separate language from that. Meaning on the other hand,
meaning is cosmically more vast. What goes into words

isn’t a tithe of it.

Moments so full not one tenth could fit language - yet
meaning speaks so full tongues fall quiet. Language

is a neat little spoon.

To dip and dig into meaning by mouthfuls,
sometimes - not much more. Many times struck
by luck and charm, people are AMAZED and say so

when somebody present somehow (for once) actually
SPEAKS what the moment holds. Twice in a life,

twice in a week.

It’s dead rare language is adequate to hold it, really hold it.
Really carry it. Really drive it home and feel it ring. Half
the time you find - all the meaning you have to give - it just

won’t fit.

None of it. 

Not even any of it. 

We keep talking then, hoping
past hope to vain determination.
Making nonsense serve purposes 
it wasn't designed for 

As language rolls on driverless,
passengers bailing from all doors,
rolling with barked arms and palm
heel asphalt burns.

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