A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, December 06, 2020

the bible-thump habit

You know in those days, I was a real 
bible-thumper, and by "real" 

I do mean literally. I would thump 
and thwack-clap boom that thing 
like a rectangular bongo, and man! 

It had a sweet thunk to it. A deep 
boom, resonant and sound. Noise
or sound - it's versatile by how
you pound. At any rate. I could
make a sweet racket 

on that book!
A lot of people have, 
but I did literally. I am,

I find, 
the real biblical literalist. 

When it comes to making a sweet racket 
out of the bible. I didn't care! It was no 
sign of disrespect then, and no one 
could mistake it for such. Not 

the way I went on, with such 
tone, boom nuance, deft rhythmic
staccato phrasing and cadence, 
my trademark pitter-pat WHAM
-tssh! (I'd riff the pages a bit
for hi-hat) routine. People 

(if I ever did it around anybody, 
which I don't believe it occurred 
to me to do) wouldn't mistake 

my too-obvious ode mode of joy 
and exuberance for anything but. 
No sacrilege, barely any irreverence
- let alone blasphemy, forget it. 

I was an imp with a halo cocked 
rakishly at an angel in those days, 
and hoo. Was she sweet. 

Kind of broke me of the bible-thump 
habit. You see, 

she was more of a fundamentalist. 
Suddenly my literalism seemed a tad 
naïve. Well, 

I did school her, more than half again 
as much as she surely educated me. 

Now where's that bible

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