A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, January 25, 2021

objectification in motion

You ask have I seen that thing walk in? Yeah
buddy but to me she's no thing, just indubitably 
GOT a thing, and she brings it swinging. 

Yeah I've seen that thing. When that thing walks in,
and your idea of her (in my case, her) precedes
her arrival, heralding her by a staircase of steps
and probably spiraling, yet in that moment everything's
so level you can't tell up or down, or how far off
this first step is going to doozy you. You're just like

"Ooo. Girl I could help you fix that walk, because
you know, you need nothing in you or of you to change
least of all for me, but that WALK has something
WRONG in it to pull and swing the moon and heavenly
spheres in your cocky constellation of points, orbs, arcs,
stars and garters. THAT WALK has every animal
in visual, scent or sensual range on high alert, even
- it'll hang and swing back into action just as fine,
just bad as it was NO DOUBT, in fact your walk
is an essentially immutable feature of the universe
(especially how you do it) and t'weren't nothing a-tall
wrong with it to begin with, but as it continues
closing in proximity, DAMN.

Let's work on that thing,

Together, ideally. I understand it comes together
in a pendulum cantilever principle towards the hip,
and carries up the spine and head and shoulders
proud and erect like an empress of angels, borne up
on one of those thrones-with-handles deals. A bier?
No...a...fuck. It is I who am too much upborne, uplifted
and potentially cast down upon bier. A litter? No,
that may be a word for it but it can't...A SEDAN!?!
Fuck, it literally is a sedan.

I wanted a fancy word. That smells of fine corinthian leather,
fuck a sedan. Anyway maybe consider me as one of your
bearers? or failing that, a pole. One of the stout poles
by which you carry on considerably, periodically as needed
and vigorously UPHELD, except - with a walk like that?
Who needs her seat upthrust in the air to be borne aloft
by hard-charging pole-bearers! Too much morbid association,

Point is. I digress and yes, I have seen that thing. However
I honor it, and it's nothing to do with her except as she likes.
I consider a person is severable and independent of any ideas
they give you. I'd guess and reckon seeing "that thing" walk in
hits each of us individually, in the eyes and instantly boom down
- not least since it's never the same "that thing." It takes our minds
and hearts (plus parts elsewhere) in different lines to different
impact craters, some bulging out with pent explosive force
from deep within, some knocked for a boom cloud
shockwave sudden hole, puzzling geologists for ages 'til
one of them met an astronomer. "Of course." "It seems 
so obvious now. So basic. Even naïve. What dolts
all our uninformed ground-based theories have made
us." All as you walk by, not quite strut nor yet
quite saunter: Just a walk so much this way.

You swing the world as your pendulum sways,
you've caught every animal by the gaze,
you even move the Lord in mysterious ways
- great goddamighty girl what can I say?

I seen that. 

It's fine actually. People making 
a big deal over it have complicated themselves 
a bit too much for proper peoplemaking. But 
they're people too, dudes. And making their 
own selves, to boot. Ooo.

I didn't even notice those boots. Nice 
boots, boots! "Oh hi, you couldn't help 
but notice me noticing your boots? Fine. 
I assure you my notice was both accurate, 
and deeply courteous. Has anyone ever told 
you you have a walk? It's obvious, but some fools

- they don't notice the glory in the simplicity
of such things."

"Oh, wait oh. Okay. Yes, no I don't know that guy. 
I haven't seen anybody with that haircut yet 
though - you describe it admirably. Is his name 
really Chad or is that a wink and a nod 
at something?" 

Misunderstanding straightens out by 
finest strands of clarity I find. Fix that talk 
though maybe, buddy. It's a bit presumptuous,
and we know what I say. Never get presumptuous 
unless you're about to get sumptuous. Good medicine. 

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