A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, January 01, 2024

New in 2024: arguably vain

Skip this one arguably
vain. It's more a mnemonic
than an attempt to move
you, but it is a poem

and sincere.
New thing!

in 2024: Not a new
year's resolution,
not a hoax, not a
dream: partly as a trick

to trim/edit, partly as a GOOSE
to conversation (which has long
and sadly flagged since

I once abandoned this place, years ago), I propose

to redact
less-than-top material!
- musings, and commentary from
within the poem - as I go

- AND -
reposition such takings and leavings, these things
cut, left out - as "comments"
the poem!

Why not? A little light 
tweaking, some tonal adjustment 
- such things could easily be 


UPON the poem, rather than 
vain and egregious, excessive 
ornament and digression WITHIN.

It. Tad dastardly, sure
- I warrant, but I hold myself
free to do it

in this place.

make the
pruning and tuning
a bit more keyed-in,
as we go, or
as I go. As one prefers.
Or anyway, if I remember it

to do it, 

that's the idea

Also: maybe cut down on 
prose poems 

whose sole purpose 
is mnemonic? 

Too easy for dear reader 
to mistake a pat, plain practical

for overly vain

merely because an aspect 
of self-referential-ness 
may be shared between 
these two otherwise 

quite different things 


Well, I say: if it fruits 
and boots (if it be not 
fruitless and bootless) 


1 comment:

dogimo said...

I might also begin experimenting more with deliberate external rhyme." I.e. a rhyme scheme or beat picked up and carried on from one poem to the next. You know. Just a lil' bonus "easter egg" scheme for serial readers! A little bonus jiggle in your context keyhole!

That is, if I remember this intention later, as we go.

We'll see what happens.