You don't make me feel good
enough. I want to feel
better than this. You don't make me feel
high, or deep or smart to continue
so damn far,
and so far short
of bliss, you don't make me feel
like this
is ever going to cover the spread
it's not a good bet anymore
you don't make me feel alive,
just dead
to hope, and knowing
the best thing ever's just
around the corner. You make me feel
like more of the same, this very good
pretty good same we have
we've had
is all that's ever going to come of us.
You don't make me feel good enough.
And I know that I'm the one wrong
for this hard standard I have.
Trust me, it just kicked in
these past few months and weeks.
It's just as hard on me
as on anyone I have been
alone with long enough
to expose and disclose
all the things that it's
made of. But I can't help
having it, you see
when I was a child I had a dream,
and it never came anywhere true.
But it still needs believing, and it's
too long since I believed in you.
And maybe it's not real,
but if that's the case,
then we both deserve better than this.
And we're never going to find what we deserve
in this same place. Oh baby, you're
good enough
for anyone.
And good enough
has been fine all along,
but it's not good enough
for where I'm going, and I have
to bring all this with me, 'til it's
gone. I have to get better than we'll
ever get, even if
this is the best
I'll ever find, I still
don't know that yet. All I have
is this to hold: you don't make me feel
good enough.
And I need to find out
if anyone anything ever will,
so I can grow old.
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