A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

An Ode to U and S and A

When I talk about America 
- the Land I Free by my Very
Presence in Mind -
others don't know that, but 
it's right there in the senses 
and evidence, ideally. Anyway, 

naturally I get a flag in my throat 
which must unfurl on the humid 
and billowing breeze of my sweet, 
hard, shining words, naked as steel 
and twice as pointy. I stand a patriot 

to a round of ale and uncork a sort 
of Nietzschean pastiche of battle 
hymns to a democratic republic 
idea of will, which the Neetzch 
would probably declare me dead 
over, from just beyond the grave, 


I don't care! My country is the one 
they call Tisovthy, in the old song 
I know much by heart. I roll purple 
grains in majesty for my own
mountainous amusement and 
call it fair, foul, fine, and free 
on all sides - as I deem each warrants 
from basis on merit, and guess what? 

This is what America means! 
Free stuff. Cheese, of a peculiarly 
undistinguished sort. Great beers, 
once you get into the minors. A 
huge, titillating abundance of 
emphasis on sex, tits, ass, 
pussy, and of course, religion
- opt-in! All of it! Rock, roll 
and who knows what they've 
come up with next! This! 

This is what we've got to fight. 

THIS is what we've got to fight for. 

We must use each and all our inbounded  
unalienability of human reason to identify 
and critique our ideals. This way only
we stand up, speak out and march! Nobody's
fool, we! Time for a truth bomb - get in the 
echo chamber if you can't stand it.

I mean, if you care you should dare. Right? 

Find out about what you care about first, 
probably. America is the cahoots caboose 
of the world's train of thought in full-on
canoodle mode trying to woo the whole
world's mind to our way, our side, as if
Burger King had never existed. As if Pepsi
were not an option. Well, have it our way
if you like!

You're free too. 

I suggestively recommend though, you 
take a big ol' look-see at what you're 
getting into first, 'cause it's great. 

Caveat Empire

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