A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Have you noticed how the world keeps getting better?

Is it just my impression? Or does the world
keep changing,
for the better? Have you noticed how
that happens?

I have.

Although I suppose
that for those
who like nasty stuff hid,
un-dealt with
consequently, thriving
as if in the wild, this world

might seem
to be going to pieces, but to me,
you know? I don't like nasty stuff. I don't like
stuff that's vile. And you don't
have a hope squaring off against it,
unless you can get it dragged out
and lit, exposed. Only then
can you blast it clean, and track
where it goes, and fix up
what's hurt.

It's a process. It happens fast,

after ages of work.

The top layer
wears down, wearing slowly
right off

- and we find shocking wrongs!

that we knew, or at least we thought
had been there, all along. But soft -

Let's pretend we did not. Let's attack
and destroy, let's strike fear
into horrible hearts, oh boy
- at least, let us all give it a shot!
Now's the chance. Let's all rear up and roar!
Let's dance, shouting we'll take no more!
Saying this shall not stand!
Crying this is the worst
that it's been! Let's pretend

While we can, while we have
this exposé. Send

a clear message in, say: Outrage! We're
shocked! An excuse to win
the day, to make hay while it's hot, let's
use all of the units we've got
in play, do some real damage now,
to cowards
and brutes
and predators too,
who we pretty much

all about.
But that's then. Let's find our outrage

since they've dared to intrude
on the light, because we dragged them out.
Let's make damn sure their days are rued,
that they know they're screwed. And make all the people
to know: "This could be you, too."
Seize and drag, publicly by the heels
- well-chosen, with care! Seize and drag
each one,

who has always done,
as we've always known,
as we've always been very well aware.

They have done
what more decent folks have decried for years:
We Will Not Tolerate Such Behavior!

Well, that's sure clear. They had warning at least,
unanimously, even if it was lies. Let's make it
For promises kept are but lies, long-deferred
and long-overdue. Down the centuries,
decades and years to this, let us now
keep our word,


is as good
as it usually is.

It gets better each year.
This is how it works, kids.

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