Idle hands and idle dreams and curiosities have shown
our idols up for what they are: a centerpiece
of bones and tar and bits of hair preserved
in lights, tacked up for all to own and see.
And we without dreams shall cast first stones
And they without souls shall flee
Oh, but this turned out brilliantly! The last two lines may actually be perfect.
Why thank you, Stephanie Artley!
I do so love "Oh, but"s and "Why thank you"s.
"I do so love"s as well, come to think of it.
previously, on "curiosities"!
Idle hands and idle dreams and curiosities have shown
our idols up for what they are: a centerpiece
of bones and tar and bits of hair
tacked up in lights, preserved
for all to own and see.
And we without dreams shall cast first stones
And they without souls shall flee
--(now archived)--
For the invaluable help with the incalculable damage you've undone (which damage was original to my poem), Stephanie, thank you.
COOL. Twice-baked is more than for just potatoes, people!
This poem's muched loved.
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